Thursday, January 24, 2013

How should women be in 2013?

How should women be in 2013?

If you just look around you on a normal day and listen to what media and magazines think women should be like I'm pretty sure that this is nothing a woman could fulfill.
We first of all have to be dressed perfectly and stylish and take care of our body. Undone hair is a no go unless it's just the newest trend and en vogue. Besides we also need to be successful in our full time job and raise children as if we always were mothers. Next to us the perfect husband, successful too and a loving father. Problems are nonexistent, or let me say if there are some then just because the personal trainer had to cancel a session or the flights are delayed. We handle all with a smile on our face and bad mood, what is that?
We shouldn't be too cute but also not too sexy. Our sense of humor shouldn't be completely funny, that's too boyish nor completely serious, it could mean we tend to be boring. We should act mainstream but think forth going, thinking over the edge.
Please tell me how should this be possible?
A few tips I agree on like never talk about the men of your past - nobody wants to be compared and you shouldn't compare either - something new means you open a new chapter in your life and the past belongs to the past. That's true but nevertheless we only are what we are because of past experiences but I agree on don't giving them names or details.
Ups, and we have to be skinny but healthy, this may work for a few but for sure not for all. I'm not the person who wants to be high sized and fortunately can eat whatever without gaining weight but honestly, what means skinny? Only skin and bones looks unhealthy from my point of view and women should have a shape. So please eat! Women are humans also and who can live without food? Food is least for me!
In regards to fashion I wouldn't go completely with the newest fashion pieces as no one except of models can wear these combinations. Have you ever seen an average woman who can wear the pieces presented on fashion show stages without looking ridiculous, bitchy or undressed?
I found another tip where I also agree on. Accept the child in you - life is serious enough so acting goofy is essential from time to time.
But careful because when it comes to what we should be like we have to hide our next steps - nothing is more boring than persons where you exactly know what they will do next. For instance being goofy.
What would be my on tip of how women should be in 2013?
The main points from my point of view are the following:
- be yourself and don't try to please others
- take care of yourself
- be truthfully, reliable and honest
- love
- have fun
- live every moment
Be faithful, cherish what you have and love life like it is!

Miss Faith

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