Saturday, March 23, 2013

What I Would Say To My 20-Year Old Self?

What I Would Say To My 20-Year Old Self?

Now obviously this won’t work if you’re younger than twenty (although feel free to change the age to suit), but what would you advise yourself if you could go back in time? What mistakes, errors, decisions and more would you change if given the chance? Would you change at all?
I read the question some time ago in a magazine and pinned it down to think about it. What would I advise and would I do it at all? Was my life exactly like I wanted it to be so far or were there major mistakes, times I regret totally?
If I'm honest it wasn't always like I wished it would have been - I don't know if there are really persons who could say everything was perfect at any time. But on the other hand, even if there were times I never wish back, they made me the person I am today. Don't we have to make mistakes to discover ourselves? I think we have to as otherwise we would never be able to judge for ourselves what's right and what's wrong. Learning never was easy, so why should growing up be?
If it comes to every single emotional experience it was important to live it and feel it, even if it was painfully sometimes.
But what about style and fashion? In this case I would say to my 20-Year old self not to try out curly short hair, never cut it too short as you will regret it for sure. These fat heels were never nice even if people want to tell you this right now, don't buy them! Ah, and nobody needs a fake diamond on a front tooth, it may be hip for some but you just ruin your tooth.
And what about drinks and food? Here I would have also a few recommendations. Never have too much Ouzo, believe me, you can't stand it and will end up drinking liters of plain water as if you crossed the desert. On the other hand you are always staying away from cinnamon, this doesn't make sense as it will take just a few more years until you will love it, so why not to give the yummy taste a try right now?
As you see, I may be able to recommend and give some hints and tips but only about kind of unimportant things in life. If it comes to the seriously important experiences, we all have to go through them on our own and I would rather regret to beware my 20-Year old self of one of them than giving her the back up that everything will be all right in the end.
The 35-Year old can assure to the 20-Year old that the next fifteen years won't be all fun and easy going but they are worth it to move forward and stand up whenever you feel that you were knocked down by life.

Good luck and cheers from Miss Faith

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Poem - Two paths

Choose wrong or right
Choose darkness or light
Live during the night
Or love the days
Believe it or not
There are always two ways

Friday, March 15, 2013

Thinking about...documentaries

Thinking about...documentaries

... Documentaries....
Why are the most interesting ones on air in the middle of the night?
Whenever I switch on my TV there's trash and even if they call the trash documentary because its about a special topic like sextoys, germans dating women in Eastern Europe or another new fashionable building in Dubai, it all remains trash from my point of view. But what happens if I just roughly switch through the channels before I intended to go and sleep?
Yes, the real documentary starts.
Behind the scenes information about workers of the United Nations, journalists traveling through Mali to uncover what's going on with the Tuaregs there, and so on.
Topics which are not only interesting, they can also teach us to be more open minded instead of living in our small world with our small problems.
I'm keen to learn as much as possible about the whole world, see different cultures, lifestyles and traditions but it's hard to find it on TV.
Am I so unique or what's the reason for this? At least travel documentaries should be something which is interesting for the majority, shouldn't it. I can and will not believe that most persons live in such a small restricted world and are happy with what they can reach within a few hours. There's so much to discover on earth, so why should I limit myself and just stay where I am for my entire life. Isn't that boring?
I honestly think if more would be interested in learning this world would be a bit more open to others. As long as you don't want to learn why people are doing something you will never be able to understand. It's easy to judge from an outside position but stepping into depths is teaching you why traditions, cultures or habits are existent and how they influence whole countries or regions.
Stay open and faithful,
Miss Faith

Friday, March 1, 2013

Poem - I hear a whisper

It's your voice
Calmness is surrounding me
by the sound
Whispers in my ear
Taking me down to the ground

Here I am loved and cared for
The ground spreads the truth
Nothing stays as before

My heart fell in silence
A few years ago
Awakened now by the whisper
Assured that this love will grow