Monday, February 4, 2013

How to be a real and true friend

How to be a real and true friend

What are the most important things in real friendship and how can friendships last?
Many pretend to have hundreds of friends but are these real ones?
I cannot believe it as from my point of view a friendship is a relationship growing over the years and we have to "work" on it. Trust is one of the basics as is honesty. We all haven't just happy days and the phrase "in good and in bad times" is not only valid for marriage. Real friends are the ones who smile and laugh with you and not about you and who are not ashamed of sharing tears with you when times are not good. They share their last piece of bread and invite you for dinner when you ran out of money or food.
But only taking is no friendship, you have to act the same way.
We are living in a stressful world and what I appreciate about my real friends is that regardless of when we had the last meeting or phone call we stay friends - it's like having spoken the day before even if it were two or three months and nobody is angry as we understand that all of us have enough to do and are sometimes just too tired to pick up the phone and dial a number.
When meeting friends face to face focus on them, you scheduled a date to have them around you so the worst you can do is focussing on something else or talking only about yourself. If you want to be friends you have to be one yourself.
Selfish or not interested persons are the ones without real friends at the end because no one can bare to be put in the background on every occasion.
Sure there are times when one or the other has more to talk about and it's normally regulated by life but as soon as you realize that the topics are always about others and never about what you experience, feel or go through it's time to think it over.
Either you are able to discuss it honestly and maybe the other person just didn't realize and promises to change and be more attentive or it's time to say goodbye.
I said goodbye last year to a few and after almost one year without them I can say, I don't miss anyone. Even better, I'm truly happy to have no contact any longer because there are so-called friends who can eat you up and suck your energy. These are the ones to kick out as soon as you realize as they don't do any good thing in your life, they just live in their little world and suggest themselves as the key of the universe.
Going seriously to your list of friends and decide who is worth to move forward with and who not is a great thing. Free yourself from negative persons and surround yourself with the true and real ones.
I rather end up with just a few real friends instead of having many fake ones!

Keep the faith, Miss Faith!

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